Car Parking Is A Big Problem In India
On most of the road sides there is no pavement have been constructed, the reason may be whatever but due to this we all are facing car parking problems. In these road sides where there is no footpath the contractors and builders are dumping their unused building materials such as concrete, sand, and they park their road constructing vehicles in improper way.
On several places, where contractors are not filling their raw materials, local people are using that space for their varied purposes such as installing small shops and using the space as their extra territory. So due to all these improper management of roads its become very difficult to park the car on the road side. Traffic is growing with a quite rapid pace in India, so in near future road sides would be the only option left for us to park cars safely in India.
However, to park car on road side is our legal right as we all pays the road tax but still its our country so we must do something good to protect its honor and pride.
Commonwealth is around the corner and India has a good reputation in the commonwealth countries. So we are not only degrading our reputation due to our car parking problems. Besides the pavement problems, we are facing another major problem that is the pits and holes on the roadways. Every year thousands of people are buying new cars and due to the worst condition of Indian roads, expenditure on car maintenance has increased.
This is one reason why the sale of second hand car has been increased in the few states. Used cars in Chennai and used cars in Bangalore are on high demand nowadays, because people prefer to drive second hand cars instead of new cars because of the traffic and car parking problem. If you have a new car then you have to drive it carefully because it wont take much time to change your new car into the used car. Wherever you go and how carefully you drive but minor mishaps and normal dents are a common thing in India.