How To Dress Sexy & Look Good In Sexy Clothes – Low Cut Dresses & Bum Hugging Jeans Are Out
How to dress sexy, I’ve said it over and over that to come across as sexy is about you and not the clothes you wear. Think about it, hold the dress you tend on wearing out in front of you and what does it say, that’s right “nothing.” Now slip the dress over your curves and see the transformation. If you don’t have curves then add a wiggle to your walk and the dress once again will appear different? Do you see where I am going with this.
Fair enough a low cut dress with a bulging pair of breasts hanging over it, or tight jeans showing the shape of your bits in much intimate detail may no doubt be seen as sexy, but it can all so be seen as sluttish. So forget how to dress sexy and learn more on how to become sexy. To be sexy will include different things like how you present yourself, the way you act, the way you talk even the way you walk. The whole purpose of wanting to look sexy is usually for the sake of others, but it’s difficult because every person has their own opinion on what they see as sexy. So how is it done?
It’s a catch 22 situation if you’re out to impress this way. If we only knew what the other person is thinking would make things much easier, however we don’t, and it’s a chance you have to take. We don’t want the person you’re attracted to… see you as the village bike, but to perceive you as being sexy from the way you present yourself.
Sexy can happen even when wearing baggy pants or high neck blouse. It only takes little things like pouting the lips, wiggling the butt in rhythm with each step you take, or putting on a husky voice to work. But once again will this swing it for you in regards to the person who you want to see you as sexy. Maybe their perception of sexiness is judged if you like, on posture, the way a person laughs or smiles, or the way they sit with their legs crossed, the list is endless. As long as you remember it is not all about dressing sexy, but to be sexy is the key.
Usually, people who look for advice on how to dress sexy, look sexy, or change a body part so it looks more sexier – feel inadequate about them self for some reason or another. Many women gripe wanting their legs more shapely, their figure curvier or their teeth straightened. And these same women who gripe have perfectly shaped legs, an hourglass figure and teeth straighter than a level. So this tells us the problem lies with their way of thinking when it resorts to this.
If you pick up a magazine you’ll read the same old hype that men find women with long hair sexy, and women, the man with a six pack. I am not sure about this. It’s like having a favorite color i.e. I like yellow, and you blue because you see it a prettier shade.
Sexy Tips;
Nurture your personality to bring out sexiness
Develop a sense of humor if you’re miserable
Dress so your individual style gets noticed
A healthy body is a sexy body
Control the way you think because your thoughts make you into the person you are.
Every woman regardless of shape or size can bring on sexy.
A skimpy dress that doesn’t leave much to the imagination is not always the answer.
Sexy tips
Wear your hair in a style that suits your frame, and gives the face a sexy glow. What if I don’t have long hair which is supposedly seen by men as sexy? Not to worry as short hair is sexy also look at Demi Moore and Jamie Lee Curtis who have a huge following of male admirers and women too.
Cosmetics need to compliment your face. Too much slapstick is for the woman on the street corner waiting for a punter. Use subtle bases to bring out features and skin tone. Keep eye shadow to a minimum. If you believe clothes are the be all and end all of a sexy image then begin with your bra and panties. Proper fitting underwear can make an outfit appear even sexier. A bra that lifts the boobs creating cleavage makes the breasts look fuller. If you have a curvy bottom, then wear high heels, and instead of knickers wear a thong.
Don’t walk with your head down, or slouch. Keep your head in the clouds. Carry confidence with you at all times.
Stop whining it is a complete turn off. There’s nothing sexy about a moaning old biddy.
Quit cigarettes. Smoking is not sexy
Stay sober to stay sexy
Be friendly, everyone wants a friend. Sexy is part of the “you have a friend in me” package.
Smile at every convenience, not only will it make you feel good, but them whom you smile at too.
If you believe sexy is about how you dress then heed of the advice below.
Let the jeans you wear hug your bottom but “not” smother it.
Dark denim is ideal for most body shapes. Wear with a boob tube/bikini top and bright colored strappy heels.
Jewelry is sexy. Wear colorful chunky necklaces and bracelets and bangles. If lots of pearls and beads are your forte, avoid wearing patterned blouses. Wear a monochromatic top with multi-colored jewelry.
Black is voluptuous. It also makes you look slimmer and creates curves.
The thong is sexy so wear one.
Other tips
Go dancing and train your body (salsa, ballet, hip-hop, and ballroom) to move more gracefully and sexily. Think tango and rumba classes to get a feel for movement.
Buy flattering lingerie in a style you haven’t tried before.Choose materials that fall gently on your body and emphasize your curves.
Stockings/Nylons and suspenders are seen as the ultimate sexiest garments
Wear high heels to look taller. When it comes to sexy women’s clothes, there is a thin line separating sexy garments from cheap.
To find out how to dress sexy then go back in time to the fashion of the late great Doris Day, Lauren Bacall, Jane Wyman and the Betty Grable’s. These women oozed sex appeal, “but” was it from the way they dressed that people found them to be sexy, or was it, the Bacall husky voice, Doris Day’s vocals chords, the fact Jane was married to President Ronald Regan, or the million dollar legs of Betty Grable’s. You get to decide if it were their clothes or their other fine qualities that had them seen as sexy.