Malaysia Electricity Industry-overview,trends,prospects And Swot Analysis
Emerging Markets Direct (EMD) released their latest Malaysia Electricity Industry Report. The electricity, gas and water industry in Malaysia contributed approximately RM17.71 billion (2.61%) to the country’s total GDP in 2009. Over the years, the annual growth rate of Malaysia electricity generation has declined. Electricity generation achieved the lowest growth rate (since 1990) at 0.99%, whereby the annual growth rate of electricity generation was averaged at 10.3% in the 1990s.
Malaysia electricity market was affected by the global economic downturn and thus a slowdown in the domestic market activity particularly in the first six months of 2009. In this regard, total electricity sales saw a decrease of 1.35% in 2009. Talking about electric generation capacity, Malaysia had a capacity of 21,817MW, which marked an increase of 10.6% as compared with 2008. The electricity generation in the Peninsular Malaysia was approximately 89.53% of the country’s total electricity generation in 2008. Sarawak and Sabah, the minority electricity generators, accounted for 6.06% and 4.41 % of the total electricity generation respectively.
High reserve margins incur high maintenance costs. The Ministry of Energy, Water and Communications was expecting reserve margins in Peninsular Malaysia to be reduced gradually from 40% to 20%. According to the Economic Planning Unit of Malaysia, the reserve margins for Peninsular Malaysia was estimated at 25.4%, Sabah at 37.2% and Sarawak at 24.5%, which should all meet the expected increase in demand. Our analyst thinks that, the generation reserve margin will be at a very prudent level by 2016.
Owing to the escalating gas and coal prices, the Malaysian government announced the restructuring of electricity tariff in which less than half of the domestic households would be affected by the new tariffs as long as they maintain their usage rates. In less than one year time, the Malaysian government revised the tariff plan again to reflect the changes in fuel prices and support the government’s efforts to introduce economic stimulus package.
What are the trends and developments of Malaysia Electricity Industry? How does the five-fuel policy affect the power generation mix of Malaysia? What are the on-going Hydroelectricity power development projects? How does the government encourage the use of renewable energy in power generation?
Want to have an overview and competitive analysis (SWOT) of the major industry players?
-Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB)
-YTL Power International Berhad (YTL Power)
-Malakoff Berhad (Malakoff)
-Tanjong Public Limited Company (Tanjong)
Check our pages now and you’ll find the answers from our Malaysia Electricity Industry Report.
Table of Content
1. Industry Profile
1.1 Electricity Supply Industry
1.1.1 Industry Size
1.1.2 Electricity Maximum Demand and Installed Generation Capacity
1.1.3 Electricity Sales, Consumption and Generation
1.1.4 Power Generation Utilities
1.1.5 Reserve Margins
1.2 Regulatory Environment
1.2.1 Energy Function
1.2.2 National Energy Policy
1.2.3 Rural Electrification
1.3 Electricity Supply Industry Trust
2. Market Trends and Outlook
2.1 Electricity Tariff
2.1.1 New Electricity Tariff
2.2 Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
2.3 Generation Mix and Fuel Costs
2.4 Renewable Energy (RE)
2.5 Fuel Cells
2.6 Industry SWOT
2.7 Market Outlook 14
3. Leading Players and Comparative Matrix
3.1 Listed Dominant Electricity Utility
3.1.1 Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB)
3.2 Independent Power Producers (IPPs)
3.2.1 YTL Power International Berhad (YTL Power)
3.2.2 Malakoff Berhad (Malakoff)
3.2.3 Tanjong Public Limited Company (Tanjong)
3.3 Comparative Matrix
3.4 SWOT Analysis
4. Tables & Charts
Table 1: Summary of Malaysia Power Sector 2000, 2005 and 2010e
Table 2: Old and New Domestic Tariff
Table 3: New Commercial Tariff
Table 4: New Industrial Tariff
Table 5: Generation Mix
Table 6: Malaysia Renewable Energy Value in 2005
Table 7: Status of Renewable Energy in Malaysia
Table 8: Electricity Supply Industry SWOT
Table 9: Development Expenditure & Allocation for Electricity Sector from 2000 to 2010
Table 10: Tenaga Nasional Berhad’s Headline KPIs 2007- 2010
Table 11: Tenaga Nasional Berhad Financial Ratios 2003-2009
Table 12: Tanjong’s Power Generation Business
Table 13: Major Independent Power Producers in Peninsular Malaysia
Table 14: Financial Highlights of the Leading Players
Chart 1: Total GDP vs GDP of Electricity, Gas & Water 2000-2009
Chart 2: Contribution of GDP of Electricity, Gas & Water 2000-2009
Chart 3: Electricity Maximum Demand Jan 2009 – Jun 2010
Chart 4: Installed Generation Capacity in Peninsular Malaysia 2005-2009
Chart 5: Installed Generation Capacity in East Malaysia 2005-2009
Chart 6: Generation Plant Mix in Malaysia 2009
Chart 7: Generation Capacity of Major Power Producers in Malaysia 2009
Chart 8: Electricity Sales 2001-2009
Chart 9: Electricity Sales by Tenaga Nasional Berhad
Chart 10: Electricity Sales by Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd and Sarawak Energy Berhad in 2009
Chart 11: Electricity Consumption in Malaysia 2004-2008
Chart 12: Electricity Generation vs Consumption 2005-2009
Chart 13: Electricity Generation in Malaysia 2004-2008
Chart 14: Electricity Generation, Public vs Private Installation 2005-2009
Chart 15: Generation Mix in Malaysia 2009
Chart 16: Generation by Major Power Producers in Malaysia 2009
Chart 17: Export of Electric Current Jun 2007 – Jun 2010
Chart 18: Reserve Margin of Peninsular Malaysia 2000-2009
Chart 19: Rural Electrification Coverage from 2000-2010, by Region
Chart 20: Regional Overall Tariff Comparison in 2008
Chart 21: Regional Overall Tariff Comparison in 2009
Chart 22: Tenaga Nasional Berhad Generation Mix in 2009
Chart 23: Tenaga Nasional Berhad Operational Efficiency 2002-2009
Chart 24: Tenaga Nasional Berhad Operational Statistics
Chart 25: Tanjong’s Revenue Breakdown by Segment 2009 and 2010
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