Unlock Your Imagination (To Fade Like Blue Jeans)
Can you remember back when you were a child?
Can you recall any of the games you used to play?
Can you relive at least one of your most happiest moments?
No, so not much?
I’d be willing to bet that you can remember most of the rotten, unsavory moments that happened to you back then though. It is much easier for us all to remember the bad things, more than the majority of good. Why is that, do you think?
When we have been wronged, we seem to carry around with us for a very long time. When we have been celebrated, it seems to fade like Blue Jeans until, we forget altogether. So the question is, how do we get our happy moments back?
One technique I use, is to recall one of those dreadful moments in my childhood, then remember what it was that made that circumstance bearable, or what was the good that came out of it? That would invariably be a small, happy moment, but a happy moment nevertheless. And it is in these small, happy moments, that I collect together, until it seems, they create a path to at least one big, happy moment in my life. This primes my memory, and soon other good memories return and begin to resurface.
Memories from childhood can be gleaned, polished and written about. They can inspire characters to your stories. They can be a story in themselves, or spark brand new ones. Be they good or not so good memories, they have the ability to unlock your imagination in a multitude of ways. Pain and misery, joy and happiness, that’s life, we live it every day. Childhood memories, there are many roads that lead there, and many paths to follow. Writer’s Block, not me! I just remember and use my imagination.
Unlock Your Imagination
Lee E. Shilo-All Rights Reserved-2009