What Do We Really Know About Cosmetics
Cosmetics, are they poisonous or are they harmless? Did you ever ask yourself this question? As the saying goes: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! Cosmetics have the power to do it all, to change for better or for worse.
Are cosmetics a natural, healthful and safe beauty product as we’re being told and made to believe, that they are? Many people are looking for methods to improve their physical appearances with whatever goes, from cosmetic surgery to Botox injections. Or is it still better being aware of all the culprits and unhealthy possibilities lurking in the bottles of beauty as described so convincingly by the manufacturers? According to research our body is absorbing over two hundred synthetic chemicals every day without us knowing it.
The things in cosmetics most of us don’t know!
What does make us look so beautiful, and the cosmetics obviously working so well, these are mostly the very ingredients that are toxic and cancerous to human beings. There is no difference for the make-up industries when it comes to government regulations as in the food products where loopholes are left open for manufacturers to allow banned toxins and chemicals into cosmetic products.
Cosmetic is a product used daily and often several times a day, just like brushing your teeth.
None of the products are chemical free; some can have lesser chemicals than others. Nevertheless, the smallest amount will accumulate over time. Brushing the teeth or putting on lipstick two times a day will expose you, just by using one of the products, 730 times in twelve months! Stop, and think how many of these products you are using per day. Unless these products are organic or totally natural, the risk of becoming ill is a forgone conclusion. Let’s look at toothpaste: Most of us brush their teeth 2-3 times per day, using any of the major brand names of the shelf. You will rub into your gums a small cocktail of chemicals, including Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Propylene Glycol, just to name some. Laurel Sulfate is in every cosmetics and personal care product; it poses a general health risk including skin, eyes and hair.
Titanium doxide is also found in mascara, eye shadow and lipstick. It is unlikely that lipstick and toothpaste for that matter isn’t swallowed, especially by children.
For an average person at the age of 40 to 60, using cosmetics for many years, the body becomes poisoned with many hundreds of synthetic chemicals including heavy metals like lead, mercury and Arsenic. Tests have revealed that chemicals get into the blood stream which is unavoidable. This happens in different ways, for instance taken in through the skin, lipstick and toothpaste would be swallowed, and eye- makeup absorbed by sensitive mucus membranes. Perfumes and powders being inhaled, hair sprays and dyes absorbed through the skull; in extreme cases hair dyes can even affect bone marrow.
Such chemicals and toxins like Coal tar, colours, Benzene, Phenylenediamine and even Formaldehyde are found in skin creams, shampoos and blusher. Studies also found that people working in the cosmetic industries were four times as likely to develop multiple myeloma and malignant bone tumour.
There are no regulations to protect your health!
In cosmetics are many synthetic inexpensive ingredients that are stable and having a long shelf life; therefore, manufacturers love them, but using them over a long time will be dangerous.
What are Parabens? They are a mixture of various chemicals and acids containing antibacterial and antifungal properties which give Parabens their preservative quality. They are also highly valued by manufacturers for maintaining freshness in foods and cosmetics. There is no ability with those dangerous chemicals to regulate any of the ingredients in cosmetics.
These are secrets cosmetic and fragrance industries would rather not you to find out about. The people using those products will never know what they really contain. The exact ingredients in cosmetics and synthetic fragrances are not required to show up on product labels because they are classified as trade secrets.
For your safety avoid any products with Parabens or any similar word ending in Parabens. If there wouldn’t be any health risk in all of this, why is the European Union restricting the use of Parabens in cosmetics?
There are natural products available to replace the chemical ones without any side effects or health risks. Just as an example: Coconut oil is a great facial cleanser, make up remover, skin moisturizer for face and body, insect repellent, for dandruff and dry scalp, even treatment of head lice, all natural with no chemicals or toxins.
There are very few reputable companies producing totally organic, chemical and toxin free products you can trust. Therefore, we must only choose pure quality, effective and safe to use for any age group, especially for the most vulnerable ones: Babies and children.